Account Type

Brand Membership

11x the power of $1. Track your progress. Share it with the world.

Remove 1,000,000 lbs of Ocean Plastic


3.3 lbs removed/mo

Direct Impact

13.2 lbs removed/mo

Est. Amplified Impact





Is there a fee?

There is a 10% platform fee for Partner Members. This helps us cover our own fees and costs, and allows us to keep no fee for micro-donor members.

Are donations tax deductible?

You betcha. 100%. Including the platform fee. Your donation goes into our Donor Advised Fund (a 501c3 entity) called The Flying Pig. The Flying Pig is a sub-DAF within Legacy Global.

Can I pause or cancel my company subscription?

Yes, to do this contact

What happens with my recurring donation once a fundraising goal is completed?

It will roll into the next one. We’ve got plenty of global acupuncture points of change to fund!

How can we share our progress with the world?

We encourage you to share the link to your Brand Member profile, which shows exactly how much impact you’ve created. We are working on creating an auto-generated graphic for you each month showing your monthly progress too!

Will my organization still be displayed on the website even after my Amplified Impact donation has been used?

Yes. We will always display the total, measurable impact you have created. If you choose to remove it, simply ask and we will take it down. Just keep in mind that if you only give once, others who give as a subscription will catch up to your Impact Points and pass you on the leaderboards!

Can I change the amount of my Amplified impact?

Yes, contact us at and we will adjust this for you. By the end of 2021 you will be able to do this from your Account page.

How does Amplified Impact “11x” the power of a donation?

Every dollar that goes into your Amplified Impact account is unlocked when a new member joins Dollar Donation Club (giving at least $1/month). Assuming that member gives $12/year, and accounting for our 10% platform fee, every $1 you give contributes to a new member giving $12. But keep in mind, members can give $1/week or $1/month too, so the number could be much larger!

What the heck is my Impact Family?

Click here for a 25 second video about your Impact Family.

Do my Impact Points do anything?

Heck yeah they do! Your Impact Points show the amazing amount of good that you have created in the world. Not only that, but you can see yourself on leaderboards and earn badges as you 'level up'.